O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! It’s a LOTRO patch day!
That’s right: Update 29.5 arrived on the servers rather early in the week, bringing with it a brand-new level-agnostic questline called The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins. All players can grab these 10 missions for free this week (non-subscribers are going to have to pay for this later, so make sure to snag them now).
“One of the most famous of all the hobbits has gone missing, and it seems Bilbo’s adventuring days are not yet behind him,” SSG said. By completing this quest series, you can earn rewards such as “a title, virtue XP, and Tokens of Further Adventure, which can be bartered for level-appropriate rings, cosmetic items, and housing decorations.”
The update also prepared this year’s anniversary event (which starts on Wednesday) and brought the legendary servers up to level 105 and The Wastes zone.
Source: Lord of the Rings Online