We tend to pay a lot more attention to music than sound when it comes to MMOs, which is odd because both of them are pretty important in our conception of the game as a whole. The sound of each sword stroke, footsteps across the ground, wind whistling through the trees, creaks of wood and clangs of metal… the sound of every given item makes a huge impact on your enjoyment of the game.
Of course, we also respect that sounds are a little harder to describe than music is; it’s much easier to give people the idea of a mournful orchestral piece with a strong flute section than it is to explain, say, the peculiar rattling-slice noises of Final Fantasy XIV’s gunbreaker. But let’s give it a shot all the same. What’s your favorite sound effect from an MMO, and what makes it so important to you? Is it memorably unusual, particularly impressive, or just neat for other reasons?