In the middle of May, No Man’s Sky launched the Beachhead Expedition, which players will recall is part of the new multiplayer-focused Expeditions mode that was added to the survival sandbox in April. This new Expedition certainly read like a fun but unremarkable goal for players to chase, but there was a surprise awaiting at the Expedition’s end: a claimable version of Mass Effect’s Normandy SR1.
The surprise addition of the iconic ship to NMS was further outlined in a developer’s blog from Sean Murray, who talked up the opportunity to work with EA and BioWare to make the crossover happen. “Like everyone else we’ve been rediscovering the amazing universe of Mass Effect through the release of the Legendary Edition. I still have chills every time I see this incredibly iconic ship warping in, and was delighted to see so many people have the same reaction,” Murray writes.
As for the immediate future of NMS, Murray promises that the devs at Hello Games have “other surprises up our sleeves” with the approach of the game’s fifth anniversary. Until then, players have until May 31st to complete the Beachhead Expedition and claim the Normandy SR1 as part of their frigate fleet.