The thing about video game music is that some of it is so perfectly attuned to a very specific game that it can feel weird to listen to it outside of that context. I definitely enjoy the soundtrack to a lot of games that I feel no desire to listen to again, for example; there’s no deep need for me to just listen to the tunes of Super Mario World in my ear as I do other things. But I sure as heck do have MMO soundtracks I load up just to hear apart from the games themselves.
WildStar and Final Fantasy XIV are both games that I’ve seen cited before as games where the soundtracks are worth listening to even if you don’t play the game, but I’ve queued up my favorite tracks here and there from Star Trek Online, City of Heroes, and World of Warcraft as well. So today I’m curious about all of you. What MMO music do you listen to out of the game? What tracks are good enough that you keep listening to them even when they’re not background tunes accompanying gameplay?