The multiplayer survival RPG Frozen Flame has put together another new update and it has a little bit of everything for players. Especially those who like ghosts, airdropped cubes, new spells, and infested forests. And if you are that kind of person, you have some very unique tastes.
Back to the update: The Ancient Valley has seen a variety of changes including more cursed flora, new challenges and secrets, even more precious resources, and tougher enemies the further players venture into the region. Abandoned houses in the Valley are now also home to some supremely angry ghosts, though they only come out at night, so players can still loot said houses for spoils during the daytime but will want to note how close sunset is. We have it under good authority that ghosts don’t like it when the living steal their stuff.
This update also adds goodie-filled (presumably) mystical cubes that drop from the sky and fire off a beacon of light for players to find them; some additional spells to learn like Stone Skin and Chain Lightning; a skill tree system that lets players choose an ancestry and follow a path of skills; and a change to the Barrier of Chronos surrounding the Cradle of Keepers that makes it impassable — players will need to find portals in order to enter the area now. There are other updates as well, which are outlined in the newest set of patch notes.