If you’re going to be playing Zenith, the VR MMO being developed by Ramen VR, you’d better make sure you have your controller straps tied to your wrists because the game now lets players start NPC dialogue by waving at them. As in literally flapping your paws in a back-and-forth greeting motion.
The feature was showcased in a video, which seems to be optional since aiming at an NPC appeared to start a dialogue window opening timer but waving made that timer move faster. According to a developer’s reply, the feature is meant to make the game more immersive. That same developer, by the way, also shared using updrafts to complete gliding quests, for those who want to experience Superman 64 ring maze gameplay in virtual reality.
Readers will note that Zenith has been running into a long list of delays — seven of them — before it starts its alpha test, with the most recent being July 24th. But at least we can take comfort in knowing that your waving at static NPCs will be acknowledged.