Evidently, one of the developers of battle royale shooter PUBG, the head of action and gunplay unit Pawel Smolewski, has been working on a little passion project since 2016, and now that passion project is being picked up by Krafton Inc. and is headed for its first major public test. Say hello to Thunder Tier One, a squad-based top-down real-time tactical shooter that promises to test players’ tactical awareness and skill.
The full game is set to feature a 10 mission story mode that can be played either solo or cooperatively with three other players along with several PvP modes. A little bit of these features are due to go live with the so-called Gameplay Preview Bravo, which will share three story missions and two PvP modes – Exfil and Domination. The preview is open to all but will have only limited spaces available, and will run between Thursday, July 29th, until Sunday, August 1st. Asking to join in the play test is a matter of heading to the game’s Steam page and pressing the “Request Access” button. If you’d rather just watch what this one is all about, there’s a gameplay trailer after the cut.