Care to listen to a couple of devs from Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen talk about production and communication matters for the MMO? Then you’ve got an action-packed hour’s worth of podcast waiting for you with the game’s August developer roundtable podcast.
This episode features project producer and director of communications Ben “Machail” Dean and creative & programming producer Chris “Joppa” Perkins as they discuss things like putting together the newsletter, Visonary Realms’ plans and hopes for new hires to its team, dealing with trolls, and lessons learned about content and information delivery. The video also had a section discussing the Priest archetype and its role in a fight as the healer, supporter, or debuffer, as well as word of the game’s website update as the devs continue to work on adding sections and absorb both internal and external feedback.
For those who are looking for a lot more granular detail on the communication and running of an MMORPG studio, the video after the break definitely is for you.