So while we don’t yet have the full picture of how masteries will look for Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, thus far I am not impressed. I am the opposite of impressed. Fishing is a feature I usually take pains to avoid in MMOs, so the prospect of having various things focused on fishing as the main mastery line in the expansion feels like something less than a compelling central feature to this particular expansion. But that in and of itself begets an interesting question: What is a good central feature to an expansion?
A good expansion does expand the game in some way, after all, and going by my own history with Final Fantasy XIV I apparently consider “new classes and new areas” to be sufficient as a major expansion feature. (Both of which End of Dragons features, lest you think I’m being unfairly mean to the expansion; I’m just not sold on this mastery line.) So what feels like a sufficiently interesting central expansion feature to you? Is fishing and boats enough for you? Do you need more? Less? Is fishing just not doing it for you for whatever reason?