Warframe’s Echoes of War update is live today with Star Days and new customizations


Every platform that Warframe is on (which is all of them) is seeing a fresh update arrive to them today. The Echoes of War update is going live today on PC and consoles, bringing with it a number of quality-of-life tweaks, some new character customization features, and the return of the Star Days event, all of which the devs at Digital Extremes discussed at the end of January.

Echoes of War features the Valentine’s Day event of Star Days once again, with rewards including three new themed Glyphs along with updated content from previous years, a new Ticker Floof Decoration featuring all-new voice lines, and a selection of items from the Tennobaum holiday.

Those who are looking to dress up their ‘Frame will have some new options this update with deluxe skins for Hildryn and the release of Part 1 of TennoGen Round 21, while those who are looking for playable content will get quality-of-life updates to the Lich and Sisters of Parvos systems that seek to reduce the amount of times players need to spawn Progenitors to earn the weapons they’re looking for. Echoes of War also adds in some new augment mods for Frost, Gauss, Grendel, and Yareli, and three songs from the New War quest that can be found and played on the Somachord.

source: press release
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