Myth of Empires, the multiplayer survival sandbox title from developer Angela Game that remains in a legal wrestling match over alleged copyright infringement, is still arriving to new players despite all the lawsuits.
Readers will recall that the developer announced plans to self-publish the title as the “International Vanguard Edition,” and last week the devs announced a final release date for the game: Wednesday, March 2nd. This release will add new features such as new ways to catch birds and fish, new building recipes, new building skins, and new cloaks. Future updates are also on deck like a Skirmish mode, leaderboards, and a Points Store.
To mark the game’s launch, players can take advantage of free login gifts, XP boosts, and additional events that will be announced soon. For now, players can buy in for $25, though it’s possible this self-launch will be slapped with a legal takedown from Snail Games as well; maybe wait and see how that all shakes down.