Yesterday saw Sea of Thieves preview the coming attractions for the multiplayer sandbox’s Season Six update, and today marks its full release along with the complete release notes.
Of particular interest in said release notes is more information on the new sea forts feature, which can be taken up on-demand, cleared of ghosts, and looted of their rewards as well as claimed by the successful pirate crew. Sea fort claiming is not permanent, however, as they can only be occupied for as long as that crew resides in the fort. While a fort is claimed, players can take advantage of beds, cooking amenities, and an interactive map for planning the next voyage.
Another major point of the update is the official closure of the PvP Arena, which readers will recall has been Rare’s plan as outlined in a 2022 roadmap. Those few players who did partake in the Arena will retain all of their earned rewards and still be able to see any related reputation earnings.
Other features added in the update include the ability to quickly cycle through maps and notes, a reminder of a scuttle ship option, changes to certain enemy types, and the consolidation of skeleton ship battles to a single location at the center of the game’s world. Later on in Season Six, Pirate Legend players will be able to take up a repeatable voyage that promises more map types and distinct locations, while everyone can look forward to a new Athena’s Fortune Trading Company rank cap raise to 30. The patch notes and landing page offer more details, while a recent video all about sea forts is just below.