Dual Universe’s Ask Ophelia Q&A video series continues to roll on, with three more episodes being cranked out by the devs at Novaquark. Here are a few of the highlights from the lot:
- Will player markets be a thing? “It’s still a vision,” answers one dev, bringing up how player markets can impact a wide number of things in the game. “It’s not something we’ve entirely abandoned […] but right now, this is a subject that has taken a back seat.”
- Energy systems are being planned out as the devs consider the parts and pieces needed to make it happen on ships and settlements alike.
- Planet revamps are coming to every planet in every system; timing on these improvements wasn’t shared.
- One question asked about the line of thinking behind stasis weapons, which drew forth a long discussion about letting players counter faster ships and how it’s changed the PvP dynamic.
- A new player asked what they should do after completing the game’s new user experience, with the dev response first nodding to a pop-up screen that offers additional suggestions, then continuing with a “less snarky answer” (his words) that suggests selling ore, building with bought materials, joining an org, and picking up additional tutorials.
- What is the future of safe zones? There won’t be major changes to placement or behavior at launch, though any such changes will come with plenty of advance warning.