Drummers and drum enjoyers of ArcheAge, listen up: There’s a new patch to the MMORPG and it means something for those who rely on war drum buffs, as there will now be better buffs for those with high artistry proficiency, ramping up the power of attack, healing, and magic when more proficient characters bang the war drums. Additionally, if a player with higher artistry rank plays the drums after a lower rank player did, the higher rank buff will apply. Talk about being upstaged.
The other major half of this patch is a rise in farmhand level to 40, which in turn grants an increase to farmhand labor points and increased trade slots. The patch otherwise has improved a tooltip associated with the ongoing lantern festival, made toy lanterns unsellable, and fixed the “abnormal behavior” of the sea banshee monster. The patch notes grant all of the details, while the patch is the same for both standard AA and Unchained.