What do you get when you combine a high-level water dragon boss, a revamp to PvP, and a Christmas event? You get the patch that came to Broken Ranks earlier this week, which introduced all of those things to the grimdark tactical MMO.
The big feature of the patch – and the one that gives it its subtitle – is a fight against Aqua Regis, a new level 75 boss that’s tied to a new level 65 quest that takes players into a mysterious laboratory full of similarly mysterious experiments, as well as new items for those who win against the dragon. Players aren’t required to do the quest if they want to square off against Aqua Regis, but they will want to be mindful of those aforementioned level requirements, obviously.
Another major update in this patch is a rework of PvP, which now adds three factions players can join to indicate their willingness to fight each other, along with changes to PvP zones and the option for faction-aligned players to engage a PvP toggle if they so choose. The rework was detailed in a dev blog last week, which also outlines the intention of giving PvP players more reason to fight while also giving PvE players more chances to be left alone.
Finally, a holiday event is available for players to partake in from now until January 2nd. Players can take on tasks of varying difficulty and find holiday enemies around the world in order to obtain boxes to open and currencies to collect to either exchange for gold or open boxes. There’s also a holiday-themed cloak for purchase in the cash shop for those who are interested in fluffy back wear.