When the words “Harbinger of Spring” are read, most people would be forgiven for thinking pleasant, colorful, and sunny things. Maybe a faun wearing a crown of butterflies causing people with pollen allergies to be miserable. Dark Age of Camelot players know better, however, as the Harbinger of Spring is a killer rabbit, and it’s back on the rampage again in the MMORPG’s Rites of Spring event.
Between now and April 25th, players can take up an event quest to hunt down this murderous leporidae to earn themselves a bunny mount as well as a chance for rare variations of that same mount, just in case they really want to ride on a bunny with ram horns for instance. Players can also take up spring quests or repeatable egg hunts, and can participate in a thematic Killaloe battleground PvP event between April 14th and April 17th to earn a killer bunny of their own.
The Easter season is also coming to Wurm Online, though it’s significantly less violent: From April 9th through the 16th, subscribers will be able to find an Easter basket that features a single-step treasure map that directs them to the nearest village for some new goodies, while dyed eggs can still be foraged even after the basket has been earned. Otherwise, everyone can purchase a bunny backpack skin through the month of April at any settlement’s Marks shop.