It’s time for another shrinking of servers for Tower of Fantasy: The shared world multiplayer RPG is once more pulling servers together across multiple regions on Thursday, June 8th, as part of maintenance at 2:00 a.m. EDT.
The announcement provides a full list of the servers that are coming together, which will consolidate between four and six servers across nine different regions. Players are once again being asked to log out 15 minutes before the maintenance period is scheduled to begin, while compensation in the form of 400 dark crystals will be handed out so long as players have a character at Wanderer level six.
This is the second time that TOF has decided to merge servers, with the last one happening this past April. Players are likely familiar with the routine by this point, but the alert is there regardless.
Greetings Wanderers,
For a better gaming environment and more active social environment, we will be performing another round of server merges on June.8 (EDT)
Please stay tuned for any future official announcements regarding upcoming server merges.https://t.co/rLscyJWfqC#ToF pic.twitter.com/LkfWlaoPvJ— Tower of Fantasy (@ToF_EN_Official) June 2, 2023