We all know about bands that do a big “farewell tour” that’s supposed to be the last one ever, and then a few years later the same band is touring again. That’s kind of what it is like being Terraria’s development team, it turns out; according to Re-Logic’s head of business and marketing, Ted Murphy, the team had originally planned for the sidescrolling sandbox’s 1.3 update back in 2015 to be the last update for the game ever. But that didn’t stick, and as the 1.4.5 patch approaches, that may or may not be the final update, too.
So why do the developers keep going back to it? Studio head Andrew Spinks summed it up quite succinctly by noting that after 12 years, the game continues to sell so well that it’s just a sound strategy. But don’t worry that the developers are churning out begrudging updates just to keep the game going; Ted Murphy also notes that each one keeps coming from the developers thinking of cool stuff they didn’t quite get to do from the prior Last Update Forever and then it’s ballooned and it’s another big update. But this time, they’re really done. Until they’re not.