Wayfinder sees ‘no major issues’ in tomorrow’s PC early access launch, still has no PlayStation ETA


Eager Wayfinder testers were disappointed earlier this week by the news that Airship Syndicate would be delaying the game’s early access. While PC lost only two days (and is now set for tomorrow), there was no hard date given for the PlayStation launch. As of last night, the team still doesn’t know and in fact is cautioning players that it’s possible there could be more problems.

“First and foremost, we are on track for PC launch on 8/17 @ 12pm C.T.,” Airship’s SOLIDAge wrote. “Yes it’s game dev, yes it can be scary, and yes the reality is that something could come up in the 11th hour and stall this again (remember this isn’t beta, people are actually paying money for the game). Since we flipped the server live 48 hours ago, our team has been in-game and playing with no major issues so we are confident for our Early Access on PC launch. In preparation for that, we recommend that if you did have a previous beta installed, please uninstall it.”

As for PlayStation, the studio thinks it’s on track for only a few days of delay.

“As mentioned yesterday when we were in Discord the goal is to get the PlayStation versions out as soon as we possibly can. I know this is nebulous, but things are close, not far. We don’t anticipate a long lag time behind PC (we’re talking days at most not months), BUTwe are hesitant to even give an estimate to avoid disappointing the community again. I can’t stress enough how close we are, and how bad the entire team wants to get this game into your hands.”

Source: Discord
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