Palia has very specifically built itself a reputation as a cozy MMO – the kind of online game where you can go and rest and relax and not have to worry about other players messing with you. Unfortunately, it looks as though a bug in the open beta is allowing players to find a way around those rules.
“We’re seeing a lot of Discord messages about furniture or other item thievery within Palia at the moment,” Singularity 6 posted to its “known issues” Discord channel last night. “We are actively investigating the issue, though it seems to be pretty complicated and difficult to pinpoint.” Players are being asked to submit tickets if they’ve figured out a way to swipe items from people’s homes – or have noticed their own furniture and objects vanishing from their plots.
The company has further noted that players can take some preventative measures by using the H menu to swap to their second housing plots, thereby rendering their decorated lot offline and inaccessible to would-be player thieves.
Whether it’ll stop the server from eating your items (the way it’s eating progression) is another story. Nevertheless, players on Reddit and Discord are pretty convinced the problem is a rash of player cheaters, scripters, thieves, and hackers, and you’re probably best off to assume the worst until the studio sorts it out.