Like probably nobody in the Massively OP reading audience, I used to play Retail World of Warcraft. I used to play it a tad bit, you know, here and there over the years. And for a very long stretch of time, this was quite the magical game for me. It was addictive, with satisfying gameplay loops, fun goals, and a sense of a bright future.
But numerous attempts to re-enter the game have revealed the sad truth to me that the “magic” is gone. It’s functionally a very robust game with lots to do, and I don’t have a lot of strong criticisms of it — corporate stooges aside — but whatever used to make me crave the next gaming session is completely gone. I can play, I can decide not to play, it doesn’t feel like it makes much of a difference. And so an era has passed for me (apart from WoW Classic, anyway).
I do wish that I could recapture that magic for WoW and other old favorites that gradually lost their luster. Are there titles like this for you, that you look at wistfully and wish it could be as it once was?