Star Wars The Old Republic concludes its cloud migration with downtime tomorrow


Star Wars The Old Republic is continuing its massive server migration to the cloud as this week the ex-BioWare team newly installed at Broadsword announced the pending move of the final two servers to ascend. The Satele Shan and Star Forge servers will go down at 8 a.m. EDT on Wednesday, September 20th (tomorrow), and return by 2 p.m in the afternoon – if all goes well, anyway. In fact, all servers will be offline for the same period.

“For this rollout, players should expect for all servers to remain offline for the duration of the maintenance window,” the team says. “This is to account for additional testing on every server to ensure that all servers behave and perform cohesively and there are no interruptions to the player experience.”

These migrations are a long time coming; readers will remember that BioWare began testing cloud-based infrastructure with the Shae Vizla server back in April and began moving the original servers back in August.

Source: SWTOR
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