The first patch of the year for Lord of the Rings Online arrived on Wednesday, ushering in Update 38.2 and the return of the Ill Omens skirmish event.
The event, which kicks off on January 11th and continues through February 1st, challenges players to beat a certain number of “harbingers” in skirmishes every day to earn tokens. Said tokens can be turned in to purchase portents (cloaks with reusable buffs) and pets. New for 2023 is a jackal, snake, and crab vanity pet. FibroJedi has a full rundown of the event and its rewards.
Update 38.2 also yanked the XP rewards from the Combe Forester Event, made the city of Umbar safer for low-level players, improved some of the human “hat hair” visuals, and normalized food regeneration rates.
Source: LOTRO