Elite Dangerous unveils 2024 plans for powerplay rework, next Thargoid War step, and ‘at least’ four new ships


The playerbase of Elite Dangerous is waking up to some unique emotions today: a sense of hope and excitement for the spaceship sandbox. That’s thanks to a recent livestream from Frontier Developments that made some huge announcements for the game’s 2024, including the big features of the game’s next two major updates, a new gameplay feature, and plans for new ship variants.

It begins with Update 18, subtitled Kill the Titans, which is described as the culmination of the ongoing Thargoid War and grants players the ability to finally assault the massive Titan warships directly. Details were slim here primarily because the devs want this to be something for players to experience themselves.

Then in Update 19, players can look forward to “Powerplay 2.0,” a “full reworking” of the game’s factional territory system that fans have been hoping would come for years. That update will arrive sometime in the summer.

Speaking of things that haven’t happened in years, the studio also confirmed plans for “at least” four new ship variants in-between these major updates, the first of which is the Python MkII, a large size ship that will be “functionally different” and appears to be a bit more combat-focused if its design language is anything to go by.

Finally, the devs confirmed that they’re working on an entirely new feature for E:D arriving this year. Once again details are extremely thin, but it’s promised to be “really really cool.” The full broadcast awaits below, or you can check out any number of excited redditor briefings.

sources: YouTube, Reddit (1, 2, 3), thanks to Colin for the tip!
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