Should it be illegal to put out an MMO patch and patch notes at 7:25 p.m. on a Friday night? Yes, definitely, tar and feathers and all that, but since it’s Project Gorgon, we’ll totally let it slide and catch it up as soon as we see it anyway. Yep, our Indie MMORPG of 2023 rolled out a hefty update at the very tail end of last week, and it’s replete with some much-needed QOL updates, starting with the map itself.
“One of PG’s charms is the sheer amount of exploration available. It’s a big world filled with hundreds of people and places to remember, each with their own lore and likes and history to explore. There are hundreds of skills to learn, thousands of items to collect, trade, or gift – the world is wide open! But keeping track of all of that in a way that makes it fun for you to explore the world and set your own goals – especially in relation to NPC management – has been a bit of a long-standing problem for us. To address that, we’ve taken a hard look at the map system in Project: Gorgon and made some pretty sweeping improvements. The in-game map now lets you view NPCs, portals, meditation pillars, and teleport platforms as you discover them; even better, you can now find some of the most critical info about NPCs in your area at a glance — which can really help you decide what you want to focus on.”
I can tell you as Gorgon fangirl that I spent absurd amounts of time tabbed out looking at the Wiki map, so these tweaks are much needed.
Elder Game has also added new emotes to the VIP (sub) program, tweaks monster AI, and adds a new Hardcore Living skill (aimed at players who consistently fight above their skill levels). Happy mappin’!