It’s always an unsettling feeling when a game — or its IP, at least — gets sold off but nobody really talks about it afterward and business continues to go on as usual. Or appears to go on as usual. That’s the strange state in which the PlanetSide 2 players find themselves after Daybreak sold off the IP last month, didn’t tell the community anything about what’s happening, and now has pushed out a patch as if nothing is out of the ordinary.
While the March 7th update was primarily focused on animation and audio bug fixes, the team announced a double XP weekend for the 15th through the 18th and talked up some of the future work that’s coming soon, such as the Sunderer rework, a fix to the friends list, and “earned consternation over Oshur.”
As for the warzone continent, the team decided that “Oshur will be put on an infrequent rotation schedule and a special alert will be created that will more tightly control how long the continent remains active when it does come up.”