One of the best parts of the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG fandom is that we have so very many rogue servers to choose from, as our favorite MMO Folklorist has chronicled. Among them – and one of the newest in the list – is SWG Restoration III, which is promising a bright future, if its roadmap is anything to go by. Yes, even rogue servers get roadmaps. We’re not mad about it.
The player-led dev team indeed dropped a roadmap accompanied by a lengthy video a few weeks ago with major features on the way this year “and beyond.” The list includes a “remastered” Ranger skill, the addition of the old-school heroic dungeons and their associated jewelry sets, seasons called “Parsecs” with dailies and weeklies, new merchant-themed structures, new vehicle customization, a crime system for Smugglers, a huge list of new playable species (Bith, Cerean, Chiss, Devaronian, Gran, Iktotchi, Kel Dor, Mirialan, Nautolan, and Neimoidian), and even a new planet set for the 2.0 update.
“Venture to the new planet, Nar Shaddaa, a dense and dynamic mini-planet where you’ll experience Grakkus the Hutt’s reign. Your adventures will lead you to steal or learn from Grakkus’ collection of Jedi relics with the help of Vima-Da-Boda, engaging his business associate Olag Greck to enter the belly of the underworld, and enjoying all the tourism district can offer, including Casinos, Nightlife, and the challenges of Grakkus the Hutt’s Arena (which can also be rented to host large events).”