Conan Exiles’ Age of War is coming to a close today with the release of Age of War Chapter 4. The update, live now on PC and console, includes an expansion for the purge system, adds the new fatality system, buffs follower controls, and of course, the new Sacred Hunt itself – “a journey filled with savage trials that tie into the god of beasts: Jhebbal Sag.”
“The Sacred Hunt Event, with its new hub area, new enemies, and story, makes use of other features introduced in the Age of War, such as the Player Tavern. This marks one of the recent foundations upon which future updates can build, where new characters from far and wide can drop by for the player to interact with. If you build your tavern, one such character will arrive in Chapter 4, shedding light upon the presence of strange new beasts stalking the wild. Followers are another foundation which Chapter 4 has improved, through more intuitive behavior, controls, and commands.”
Battle pass fans can look forward to an overhaul of the progression system, too; it ensures most gameplay feeds directly into battle pass experience. Get harvesting!