Elite Dangerous introduces its next new ship, the Type-8 cargo hauler


Space truckers of Elite: Dangerous rejoice because the game’s next new ship is for you. Say hello to the Type-8, a new medium-size cargo hauler that Frontier Developments debuted during the studio’s latest livestream.

The Type-8 isn’t a ship variant so much as it is an all-new spacecraft, with industrial design language that fans of Lakon Spaceways are likely very familiar with but a silhouette that’s also completely unique to any other ships from the manufacturer. Its medium size opens the Type-8 up to more freedom in terms of where it can land, but it also promises to have a “significant” cargo capacity, and it will also have access to supercruise overcharge that makes it capable of moving through trade routes at high speed.

More details about the Type-8 are promised in FDev’s next monthly studio-wide livestream, including a peek at the ship in motion and from within its cockpit, along with the promise for more E:D news to share, but for now initial looks at the upcoming ship await in the video below.

source: YouTube, thanks to Phoenix_Dfire for the tip!
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