Pax Dei addresses more bugs, appeals to content creators, and outlines ‘DNS debacle’


Pax Dei continues to provide updates both general and granular across its various communications channels, though the one that most players will likely care about is its third status update, which confirms fixes for broken clan invitations and delayed recipe and chat messages, while also noting ongoing investigations into crafting issues, mining nodes not working, and the inability to teleport to a home shrine.

Mainframe Technologies further had another Story from the War Room, this one focusing on a recent problem dubbed The DNS Debacle, which started with another round of login issues and ballooned into a whole deep-dive into the game’s DNS authentication; it’s another highly technical look at how the studio handles problems for those who care about such things.

Finally, the studio is now looking to spread word-of-mouth about Pax Dei by way of a new content creator program, which is currently taking applications. The program promises a game key and the potential for revenue sharing, but not everyone who applies will be accepted, and applicants must have 1K followers on Twitch or 2K followers on YouTube at minimum.

sources: Steam (1, 2), Discord
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