One of the hallmarks of advancing technology is that power increases while form factor decreases, and now that looks to be true of the original 1997 ARPG Diablo, which can now be played on a web browser or a mobile phone thanks to the efforts of some fans.
This web-based port of the game is based off of the original shareware source code by Blizzard, which has been reconstructed and shared to Github by GalaXyHaXz and the devilution team. All that’s required to get things running is to drop in a DIABDAT.MPQ file into the browser in order to start playing, which is a file that is included to those who own a copy of the game. The site even provides a utility that reduces the MPQ file’s size.
This effectively lets anyone with access to a browser and an internet connection the ability to enjoy Diablo on the go, particularly since heading to the browser game on a phone updates gameplay to use touch controls. For those who don’t have the required file, players can enjoy the original shareware version right on their browser, though that features only the Warrior class and doesn’t let players interact with NPCs.
This isn’t the only time that fans have managed to get Diablo working on a browser, as they managed to do the same thing with the shareware version in 2019. Still, we welcome the update.