Bethesda has been talking up Fallout 76’s Milepost Zero for months now, so it’s no surprise – but it’s here as of last night. “Milepost Zero introduces Legendary Crafting, a new C.A.M.P. feature called Best Builds, as well as improvements to combat,” the studio says. “Additionally, players can look forward to a new questline later this month in which they will be able to load up their brahmin and start their own caravan delivery service around Skyline Valley.”
“Milepost Zero adds two new gameplay features, Legendary Crafting and Best Builds. Legendary Crafting allows players to craft their ideal weapons and armor giving players more control over the mods that are on their Legendary items. Before players can start swapping Legendary Mods onto their gear, they will need to obtain the mod they want to craft in one of two ways: trading for the mod with another player or scrapping Legendary items with the desired mod on them. Additionally, Best Builds is a new social system that allows players to submit, visit, and rate C.A.M.P.s.”
The patch also includes combat and creature balancing and lays the groundwork for the A Bump in the Road caravan-escorting questline that rolls out later in September. The update is free for all players and launches alongside Season 18, aka Country Road.