Eternal Tombs extends its pre-alpha for another two days or ‘until the wheels fall off’


The self-described hardcore MMORPG Eternal Tombs would very much like people to bum rush its servers and set them aflame. The pre-alpha test that was scheduled to begin yesterday is indeed underway as promised, and developer Triune Studios is extending things for at least another couple of days.

The latest test date extension was confirmed earlier this morning on Discord, with the studio extending testing for today and through tomorrow. Timing for when this will end wasn’t provided, but a tweet from yesterday proclaimed, “We’re testing until the wheels fall off!”

As for how testing is going, the servers were left running all through the night last night, and despite a login server issue, things appear to be running well bar some glitchiness and bugs according to the Discord’s chat channels.

sources: Twitter, Discord (1, 2, 3, 4)
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