Embers Adrift counts off two years of updates ahead of its second anniversary


Embers Adrift is about to celebrate two years of operation, and while there are likely going to be in-game celebrations or other events to commemorate the milestone, Stormhaven Studios has elected to start things off by summarizing its progress.

The game’s community manager Elloa has put together a comprehensive list of all of the changes made to Embers Adrift through its launch journey, including its much ballyhooed monetization shift, performance improvements, combat and class tweaks, and additions to the world in terms of zones and dungeons. The post is further followed by an itemized list of changes, including their release windows, which is an impressive level of granularity.

Meanwhile, the game’s Twitter account has elected to share effusive player testimonials every day for the next three weeks until it begins proper in-game celebrations, which are scheduled to begin on October 11th.

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