New World’s weekly patch cleans up some bugs and buffs visual quality as the devs talk hippos


All right, a New World update, let’s goooooo! Oh, it’s a really tiny patch? And it turns off Halloween? Well, dangit.

Yes, New World’s Aeternum 1.1.2 patch rolled out to PC and console in the wee hours of this morning – and it’s pretty much tech adjustments and bug fixes.

On PC, Amazon added a native fidelityFX super resolution temporal anti-aliasing only mode (say that 10 times fast), FSR sharpness control, and DX12 renderer stability; consolers and DX12 PC players will also see improved visual quality. Basically, these tweaks should make lower-res loadouts look higher-res.

The studio has also fixed some bugs relating to PvP experience, faction rank advancement, and quest turn-ins. Plus, that annoying install corruption issue has been cleaned up:

“Identified and fixed a rare crash that could occur if a player’s client has a corrupted install which causes certain texture files to be invalid. In these cases we will instead render a basic white texture, allowing players to proceed into the game. Players who see this white texture should validate their installation files afterwards to try to correct any prior installation issues.”

We still do not have a roadmap for what comes next content-wise. Aeternum has now been out three weeks. We do have a fluffy new dev blog on the hippo-bear mount in the cash shop, though.

“Wow, a real hippo! I can bearly believe we found one in just under 1,000 days. Continue your adventurers across Aeternum with your very own Hippo Burley mount, available now through the in-game Store. We had to ask ourselves how to take this fun idea and blend it into the style and look of New World: Aeternum, where as of yet, hippos do not exist. That kernel led us to have a little extra fun with this mount. If you decide to get it, I hope it will bring a smile to your face (as it does for us) when you’re running around on a giant bear in a hippo costume.”

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