Dungeons and Dragons Online opens its 64-bit server to everyone through April 15


As Standing Stone Games is preparing to open up new permanent 64-bit servers for Lord of the Rings Online in the near future, there are good follow-up questions about what may be in store for its other MMORPG. And while we don’t know for sure whether Dungeons and Dragons Online will ever get a 64-bit normal ruleset shard, players are invited to try out the special server no matter what their subscription status.

SSG announced that it’s opening up last year’s Cormyr server to everyone from January 22nd through April 15 with some special bonuses and catch-up events. Caveats then follow: “After this event ends, VIP access will once again be required in order to access the server. Character transfers to or from Cormyr will not be available.”

The studio also said that players can snag some of the Year of the Dragon goodies at the rate of one per week on the 64-bit server, so if you’re planning to relocate or are currently on that world, you can get a ton of good stuff including a free expansion, a dragon mount, and the Dragon Disciple archetype.

Source: DDO
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