Hi-Rez substudio Titan Forge Games elected to use its recent SMITE 2 esports event as a stage to make a couple of major reveals for the in-development open beta MOBA, as this past weekend the devs unveiled plans for a new rotating battle pass-style feature and laid out some new roster-related information for its fans.
The battle pass is called the Wandering Market, which rewards players who complete daily challenges with coins that can be spent on a variety of themed items like skins, cosmetics, and currencies. New collections will be added every eight weeks and is broken up into “pages,” with the first page available free to all and successive pages offered to premium buyers as they spend coins; it all sounds like a system similar to Helldivers 2 war bonds.
Titan Forge has also committed itself to releasing one new god every week “until at least August,” with the Aztec god Cabrakan now available to play, Vulcan and Hun Batz promised to return in the game’s next update, and an all-new ranged carry-style god known as Bari coming sometime later.