Hardcore MMO Eternal Tombs gives you the option to use maps – or to explore blindly


Here’s a really interesting question: Would you ever play an MMO without a map, choosing to draw your own or have the game fill in the fog-of-war as you explore? While that used to be more common, in the modern era, full game maps are a standard feature.

Not necessarily so for upcoming hardcore sandbox Eternal Tombs, which is giving players the option to use maps or brave the wilds without one: “Announcing in-game maps available via quest or purchase. All players will have the option of being purely an explorer or obtaining a bit of help along the way.”

Eternal Tombs is trying to build up some hype for a “huge” year in 2025. Part of that recent effort is showing off various locations and possibilities in the game such as the mysterious zone of Dirkwood, player-run shops, floating islands, and an event in which you may get smashed by a meteor.

Source: Twitter
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