Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning reruns the Wild Hunt event and adjusts healing in latest patch


It’s time to go into some Elven hunting grounds, hunt a mystical stag, and apparently make it your horse by doing so. Don’t think too hard about it; just know that Warhammer Online rogue server Return of Reckoning is bringing back the Wild Hunt event for another year, running between March 21st and 31st.

Rewards for the event as well as the event itself are similar to prior years, including the aforementioned hunt for the White Stag and goodies like mounts as well as cloaks, charms, and trophies; what is different this year is there are new live event quests to get to the mounts as well as a live event shop with some new dyes.

The other major portion of this update is the long-awaited healer patch, which brings an overhaul to lifesteal abilities that now grants them a base heal as well as lifestealing functionality and changes to shaman and archmage point earn and spend mechanics. There are also a wide assortment of combat adjustments ready to be read.

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