Among Us 3D still has no release date, but it will have a tag mode where players become zombies

So that's fun


As popular and ubiquitous as the base game mode of Among Us is, not every game can lean on its one crutch forever. So not only will the PC version of the multiplayer game getting a fully three-dimensional first-person port of Among Us VR as Among Us 3D, that game will also get an all-new game of tag but with zombies.

Tag mode effectively has a similar setup as vanilla Among Us with players trying to avoid being taken out by imposter crewmates, only this time those imposters are known as infected, and those who are killed don’t play as ghosts, but instead revive as zombies that try to infect the other players. Naturally this means it’s about being the last bean standing for as long as possible in what appears to be a more frantic version of play than the sneaky sleuthing and deception fans are familiar with.

Among Us 3D is still without any release date as Innersloth is being coy about details beyond a promise of soon™, but the studio has shared some informational tidbits about its recent Steam Next Fest demo including the most popular hat and color choice and some changing hat preferences in the original 2-D game after the demo’s release.

sources: GamesRadar, Steam
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