“The content unfolds while players complete over 100 story-driven quests in the newly opened area. Adventurers will be able to explore the vast open fields and dense forests that surround Grána, the capital city of Kamasylvia, where NPCs sell the latest wares and where players can set up residence by buying new Kamasylvian-style homes. A new Forest Path Wagon can be obtained, as well as a new dream horse called Diné. Players can look forward to new grinding spots such as Polly Forest, Loopy Tree Forest, Tooth Fairy Forest, and Gyfin Rhasia Temple. Located to the west of Grána city, Polly Forest is inhabited by Imp thieves and is known for its dangerous mushrooms that continuously deal poison damage.”
New grinding spots! Wheee! But seriously, it’s a freebie update with a new storyline too. Check out the trailer and images!