EverQuest II isn’t alone in getting a big expansion this season: Classic EverQuest has gone live this week with Ring of Scale, an expansion name that confuses everyone except people who have saved space in their brain for Norrathian factional lore for some reason, like yours truly, and yep, it refers to the dragons.
“EverQuest: Ring of Scale is the epic conclusion to the story that started in the previous expansion, Empires of Kunark. This expansion raises the level cap to 110 and adds six new zones to explore across Kunark. In Ring of Scale, the story leads up to an exciting journey into the depths of Veeshan’s Peak. In addition to nine new raids, there are new missions and quests, including a challenging tradeskill quest line. There are also new spells, combat abilities and alternate advancements for players to earn.”
Old school MMO gamers will be paying $34.99, $89.99, or $139.99 for the box, depending on which flavor they need and which of the extras appeal most, though that’s discounted if you’re subbing. Also worth noting is that each of the editions includes access to all previous expansion content (including last year’s EOK), so it’d be a good way to catch up. Daybreak even did a video for the expansion. Fancy! You can watch it below.