Had a few issues with running out of XP from doing quests on RIFT Prime’s new progression server? You’re not alone, pal. Following concern and feedback from players on the slower-than-expected intake of XP (which was apparently set up to mimic the rate of gain at the 2011 launch), Trion Worlds said that it is looking to improve the situation with careful tweaks.
“We are looking into things and are planning on solving it with a scalpel and not a sledgehammer,” the team said on today’s livestream. Linda Carlson followed this up with a post on the forums: “XP is under review and being revised RIGHT NOW. Rift and invasion exp is definitely being retuned as well. I don’t have the ETA, but can guarantee it’s ASAP.”
Trion encouraged both the regular server community and the Prime server community to get along and not to snipe at each other. It emphasized that the studio is not giving priority to either server type and said that, if all goes well, the Carnival event will be arriving across the entire game next week.
RIFTstream 03/09: PRIME TIME! https://t.co/HQUqMPhCnS
— RIFT Crucia's Claw (@Riftgame) March 9, 2018