It’s been a nail-biting year for RIFT players following the collapse of Trion Worlds and the sale of the game over to Gamigo. There’s a palpable fear that the new owners might abandon RIFT, a fear that was stirred up on the forums lately from a player who claimed that others’ negative criticism of Gamigo was killing development.
[AL:Rift]In response to this thread, Gamigo’s community manager said that RIFT is still moving forward: “The development of RIFT hasn’t stopped due to the criticism of the players — constructive or otherwise. While our development team is hard at work and reading your feedback, we ask that you don’t spread false information like this.”
While there hasn’t been a lot of visible development on the game, it should be noted that RIFT isn’t quite as dead as some have made it out to be. The community team (which is highly active on Twitter) just wrapped up a player costume contest, the forums get a lot of response from Gamigo, and patches have been happening. Of course, what everyone wants to know is if and when there will be significant new content — and other than vague promises, Gamigo hasn’t produced any yet.