BBC tech program Click promises investigation into Star Citizen’s delays


No matter what sorts of progress the alpha builds of Star Citizen make, there’s always going to be a question of when the game will actually be considered fully complete, especially as it continues to rake in cash. BBC News’ tech program Click is joining in on the discussion with an upcoming episode that promises to look into what’s taking so long and why the game keeps getting delayed.

Click, for those of us not in the UK, is described as BBC’s flagship technology program, which airs new episodes every Saturday. The investigation into CIG and Star Citizen is due to air on Saturday, December 14th, at 1:30 p.m. UK on the BBC News Channel.

Click and BBC News is obviously not the first to try and dig in to this story. One of the more notorious investigations was published by Forbes in May of this year, when it called development of the game “incompetence and mismanagement on a galactic scale” and cited quotes from 20 former employees. A similar takedown was run by The Escapist in October 2015, which brought forth Chris Roberts himself to respond as well as threaten to sue for defamation. Roberts also spoke with Polygon later that same year to assure fans that CIG is being fiscally responsible.

The fact that Star Citizen is making money is obviously not a hidden fact. As we’ve cited before, there’s a funding section of the website that has an interactive breakdown of the money coming in, and events like CitizenCon, the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo, and ship reveals continue to make bank. The question, of course, is where the money goes — a question that will continue to be asked until Star Citizen finally decides to release.

source: BBC News Channel, with thanks to Cotic for the tip!
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