Promising “exciting announcements” and “significant team growth” in the new year, Intrepid Studios’ Steven Sharif penned a letter that attempts to wrest attention back to the upcoming Ashes of Creation. While he admitted “stumbles” in both communication and expectations for the game’s development to date, Sharif said that with the community’s patience and the team’s hard work, Ashes will become a reality.
So what’s on tap for 2020? Sharif said that castle siege testing will start in the Apocalypse battle royale spin-off, while an NDA-free Alpha One test is around the corner: “In 2020, we will be inviting you into the Alpha One test phase where you will get to experience the systems and mechanics of the MMORPG we have all been waiting for. We are excited for all of the data this will provide us with and cannot wait to make the iterations necessary to create the MMORPG of our dreams.”
He assured fans that they would see a lot more in terms of developer blogs and videos as the year progresses. It does sound as though there’s a ways to go before Ashes of Creation goes live: “There is still quite a journey ahead, but everyday we grow closer. Each day a task is completed, a feature sees progress. Little by little, the world we will all eventually lose ourselves in, comes to life.”