Trove’s spring update adds a gearcrafting skill and overhauls endgame drops


Gamigo’s Trove is continuing to get love regardless of what’s going on with the rest of the company’s MMORPG catalogue, and for the blocky sandbox, that comes in the form of yet another update called, cutely, the Gear Up!date.

“With the new spring update, players can master the latest new profession, Gearcrafting, enjoy dynamic loot, and progress through the Golden Thread introductory questline,” the studio says.

“With Gearcrafting, Trovians gain an all-new way of acquiring equipment for the game’s many character classes! Look for the giant gear in Character Corner in the Hub and seek out Guillermo Armada, who will set players off on their path to becoming Gearcrafters. The Gearcrafting Forge allows players to turn rough materials (including flux, ores, and other gathered materials) into treasure, crafting the full range of equipment from Uncommon (green) up through Crystal (teal) with six tiers of recipes. The higher the Gearcrafting skill, the better the quality of the crafted item.”

Gamigo is also touting the new progression tree bench, dynamic lockbox loot that scales to your currently worn class, and changes to gear drops in Uber worlds intended to ensure “that magic will no longer be the only viable method of collecting high-tier gear.

The update is live now on PC, with console presumablt to follow.

Source: Press release
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