WoW Classic promises new runes, boss changes, and Molten Core for Season of Discovery’s Phase 4


Even though WoW Classic’s fourth phase for its Season of Discovery has been delayed in order to let the other variants of the MMORPG breathe, Blizzard is still eager to let players know just what to expect in Phase 4, with some of the usual additions as well as some possibly unexpected ones.

Naturally, the level cap will raise from 50 to 60, which also means that there will be more new runes for all classes to discover, but there will also be a new cloak rune slot as well as new utility runes that will provide benefits to skills and stats. Class adjustments are also on the way, which will make select runes into baseline abilities to make way for new runes.

Speaking of adjustments, professions and reputation are being tweaked in Phase 4, with new and enhanced professions recipes for Argent Dawn, Thorium Brotherhood, Hydraxian Waterlords, and Timbermaw Hold. Dungeons are also getting tweaked with updated rewards on top of new dungeons opening up at level 60.

Finally of major note is the change to Molten Core in Phase 4, which turns the raid into a 20-player dungeon with 10 classic bosses, revamped loot, redesigned Tier 1 sets, and the ability to adjust difficulty for extra spice. The world bosses of Lord Kazzak and Azuregos will also be tuned for 20 players (though the encounters can be played by as many as 40), and Onyxia will also be adjusted to accommodate 40 or fewer players along with some additional loot adjustments.

A timeline for Phase 4’s beginning still isn’t being shared, but Blizzard is promising to provide more in-depth looks at the next Season of Discovery step over the coming weeks, so there’s still likely going to be some time to wait. For now, fans of this shiny refactor of WoW have an overview at least.

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