In this week’s 99th episode of Around the Verse, Star Citizen’s Sandi Gardiner and Ben Lesnick tease the in-development 2.5 patch. (Episode 100 next week, the duo say, will be a special edition split into three parts.)
“We haven’t hit the cut off where we know what’s going in and what’s going into six yet so we can’t give too many details, but it’s coming along very well,” Lesnick explains. “There’s going to be some pretty cool additional stuff to exploring Crusader. We’re also working on a Star Citizen 2.4.1 patch which is intended to address some of the issue with 2.4’s networking and some of the slowdowns and so on you’ve seen and we will have that out as soon as we have something to show you.”
There’s also a bit about persistent universe and pirate clothes, the Caterpillar, the GrimHex space station, and the Idris. The behind-the-scenes segment is particularly noteworthy as it walks through the character concept production. Watch along below.