Cyberpunk 2077 may be an MMORPG in disguise


Sniffing out promising upcoming MMOs is getting more difficult now that developers and studios are avoiding that label like the plague. Instead, we’re looking for terms like “seamless multiplayer” and “shared open world” as indicators for the types of games that we enjoy.

One of these possible MMOs-in-disguise is Cyberpunk 2077, a sci-fi RPG that’s being developed by Witcher creator CD Projekt Red. The game has been in development at least since 2012 and is supposed to create a world that’s far larger than the already expansive Witcher 3. What’s of interest to us, specifically, are recent grant applications of the title that speak of “seamless multiplayer.”

According to descriptions of this feature, Cyberpunk 2077 will have “a complex technology for making unique multiplayer gameplay mechanics, including the ability to search for opponents, manage game session, replicate objects, and support different game modes along with a unique set of dedicated tools.”

It should be noted that CD Projekt Red has been very quiet on this title since 2013, making no updates to its development blog or Twitter account. Still, if you’re curious what Cyberpunk 2077 looks like, hit the jump for a couple of videos showing off the concept.

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